Monday, October 22, 2012


     Hello, everyone. This is my second post on this blog. In this week, what I would like to introduce to you is my favorite series, Supernatural. The topic of this series is just like its name. It's about every supernatural stuff. Dean and Sam Winchester are brothers who are cursed. Their job is "HUNTER". It doesn't mean they hunt animals but monsters, ghosts, and devils. Their parents were killed by a yellow-eyed devil. And Sam is the chosen one who has special power to kill demon. Their lives are full of frustrations. They transit between life and death repeatedly. These two little humans try their best to fight against not only evil stuff but also something good. They neither work for heaven nor hell. They stand by humans only.
     This series is on season 8 now. These poor brothers are still suffering from their unfortunate lives. However, they never shrink back. They just fight back although they are very insignificant in front of the so-called gods and demons. If you are interested in mythology, I  think you would like this series. The storyline of this series goes around Christian mythology. In this story, you can get many new perspectives on family, religion, and life. The most impressive aphorism to me is "We can't just get what we want because it's life."from Sam Winchester. This saying is really true. We have no alternative but to accept our life and embrace it. Hope you would like it.
 This is Sam Winchester. (played by Jared Padaleki )  
  This is Dean Winchester. (played by Jensen Ackles )      
 This is angle, Castiel (played by Missa Collins)                     
This is the theme song, Carry on my wayward son-Kansas. I love it so much.


  1. Wow! This series seems to be awesome. It must be very thrilling. I am also interested in TV series. I really agree with what the character said you just mentioned. We can never expect life to give all we want. What we really should do is work hard to meet our target. Though we could still fail, we should move on and transfer this failure into the impulse to chase our dream.

    I would also like to recommend one series to you. It is called, ” Ghost Whisper. “ It may make you scream in fright and weep in inspiration at one episode. Hope you like it!

  2. Hi! Canneth~
    Although I have never seen this series before, I want to buy the DVD of this series after reading your introduction! HAHA
    I really love to see the movie or series which are about ghost, crazy man or monster! I guess you really like, too! So I want to introduce you a movie which is called "The Uninvited". (Chinese name:不請自來) This is the best thrilling movie I've ever seen!!!!!!
